Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Anita Blake

Why I love Anita Blake

Perhaps I should turn this into Ode to Anita Blake?
If I ever get the time to wax poetic in addition to waxing philosohpical...I will try....

I love Anita Blake because she is so very flawed. She is self-centered & self righteous; she has major anger management issues and major intimacy issues. All the while, in her mind, she is just a litte different. (although, judging by most of the folks I know, I guess she isn't all that different at all)

I love Anita Blake because she is an independent, powerful, intelligent, feminine woman.

From the first book it was apparent that AB was not above lust despite her attempts to be chaste; she was not above bias despite her attempts to be objective.

She is tiny and tough and violent and can be mean and petty but she is also gentle and kind, and can be passionate and fiercely protective.

She has such a lovely sick sense of humor that gets her through painful and frightening situations.

She relies on anger to get her through guilt, fear, and self-reproach on a consistent basis.

Despite what other readers may think, I believe she continues to shock, surprise and amaze herself with her own behavior. I love that.

She hates clothes and shoes that are not practical; however, on rare occasions she has been known to concede that a dress and heels may be the most practical choice.

She is an Episcopal.

I think that's all for now. I have other things to say on this subject but no time now.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Worldandnation: He's the billionaire primed to fight Bush

Worldandnation: He's the billionaire primed to fight Bush: "A cursory Internet search paints quite the picture of 'billionaire America-hater' George Soros.
He marches 'to the tune of Karl Marx' and is staging a 'coup' against President Bush. He is the Democratic party's 'Daddy Warbucks of drugs and death.'
And by the way, 'Satan lives in George Soros.'"

I think I have found a new idol. Can I be a groupie? Now I need to refresh all my non-existent knowledge of Karl Popper. Always makes me think ot Blues Traveller, but I know why, don't bother. Just get them mixed up.

Anyway, I'd like to think that I would be this guy if I were that rich. That's all.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Spiderman 2

I thought I was the last person to see the film in the theatre, but I actually ran into a couple of really good friends at the theatre....so we were not alone. And there was actually a crowd.

I really loved the movie. I laughed out loud more than any other person in the audience and now I can't remember half of what I thought was so funny. The movie was sappy and over the top but it was pure wish fulfillment and I am a sucker for wish fulfillment. Gimme what I want and I will let you get by with mediocre other stuff.

Anyway, I can't possibly review the film any better than Tory at JTSM, so I wll just leave a link and let you read it yourselves.

August 9th, 2004 II Spiderman 2

But I have to disagree with one point of said review, but I think only because I'd had spoilers a year ago on the scene. I was disappointed with the Hal Sparks scene. I expected it to be a lot funnier. But really, I just wish I hadn't known it was coming and could have been surprised by it. It was funny, just not holler out loud funny.

As an aside: my friend looked up and saw a 4 year old in the theatre and was all like, "who would bring such a little kid to this movie?"
And then she saw me with him. Heheheheh! I really have become that parent.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

LKH Blog: November 2003 notes about Anita #12, Incubus Dreams

LKH Blog: "Nathaniel has made himself a major player this book. Which surpirsed both Anita and me. Looking back I realize that it shouldn't have, because what has Anita been forcing him to do for books and books? Be more independent, think for yourself, don't be so submissive. What she and I forgot was that independent people can argue with us, and make demands on time, plot, and energy. He's doing exactly what Anita wanted him to do, just not at all in the way she wanted him to do it."

Ooooh goody a tidbit about everyone's favorite house cat Nathaniel. Glory be. So gotta go look at my other blog to find out how many days....yeah.....32 days. This will be the longest September in years. 2001 was pretty long, so that just puts it all in perspective and dampens the frivolous spirit of this post. Darn.

Jenny Turpish Slapped Me: Fillings. Unfortunately not creme.

Jenny Turpish Slapped Me:
"August 26, 2004 - Fillings. Unfortunately not creme.

I just got my
teeth cleaned and examined. It's part of the grand series of medical work I'm
having done before I go to school. It had been five years since I'd been to a
dentist. No reason there except for pathological laziness. Straits were pretty

(I'm going to make fun of my dental condition here, but please
don't mistake it for mocking my dentist. The whole staff was nice as hell. I
mean, I've had teeth pulled and cavities drilled and orthodontia and
shenanigans, and I've never had anybody who was mean or unpleasant or anything.
But the women who did my exam today made me feel like a pretty pretty princess
(*glee!*). They were all like, 'okay, this might be a little uncomfortable.'
*Dink*. 'Was that okay?' If I hadn't been so embarrassed about the decrepit
rotting receding chipped condition of my poor abused teeth it would have been a
party.) "

Nice to see other folks are blogging their dentist visits. There should be more dental blogging. The world would be a better place, imho.
Heck, imho, dental pain is fun, so maybe y'all ought to ignore mho.
Just nice to see that there are others out there for whom a trip to the dentist is worth writing (home) about.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Okay I had to get prolific

And create a second blog to deal with my non-rollerskating obsessions. My good dear old friend should post here too about her obsessions du jour. I love finding out way too much about stuff. But not enough to actually be of any use, that is.
So topics may include:

Tim Burton
Laurell K. Hamilton
Edward Gorey
current events

Oh well, it is a free-for-all
Cum on, feel the noize ;-P