Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Anita Blake

Why I love Anita Blake

Perhaps I should turn this into Ode to Anita Blake?
If I ever get the time to wax poetic in addition to waxing philosohpical...I will try....

I love Anita Blake because she is so very flawed. She is self-centered & self righteous; she has major anger management issues and major intimacy issues. All the while, in her mind, she is just a litte different. (although, judging by most of the folks I know, I guess she isn't all that different at all)

I love Anita Blake because she is an independent, powerful, intelligent, feminine woman.

From the first book it was apparent that AB was not above lust despite her attempts to be chaste; she was not above bias despite her attempts to be objective.

She is tiny and tough and violent and can be mean and petty but she is also gentle and kind, and can be passionate and fiercely protective.

She has such a lovely sick sense of humor that gets her through painful and frightening situations.

She relies on anger to get her through guilt, fear, and self-reproach on a consistent basis.

Despite what other readers may think, I believe she continues to shock, surprise and amaze herself with her own behavior. I love that.

She hates clothes and shoes that are not practical; however, on rare occasions she has been known to concede that a dress and heels may be the most practical choice.

She is an Episcopal.

I think that's all for now. I have other things to say on this subject but no time now.


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